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17th Annual Nature Appreciation Art & Literature.. Facebook Twitter Print
Writer administrator Hits 8187 Date 2014.04.12

17th Annual Nature Appreciation Art & Literature Festival held by Samyang


- Expressing appreciation for nature through the arts
- 10,000 students and parents in attendance


자연사랑 파란마음 글그림 축제에 참가한 아이들이 자신의 그림을 뽑내고 있다

The Samyang Corp., in collaboration with Samyang Kasei, Huvis, and the Korea Environmental Preservation Association (KEPA), held the 17th Annual Nature Appreciation Art & Literature Festival at the Huvis Jeonju Plant Pavilion on April 12.


With over 10,000 people in attendance, the festival kicked off on the 12th of this month under the theme "A precious planet we create together." Elementary school students participated in drawing and painting while middle school students participated in creative writing to express their appreciation for nature on paper. In addition to the art and literature activities, those in attendance were able to experience a 4D cinema, a steam locomotive, a rodeo, face painting, and a variety of other family-friendly activities.

A diverse array of environmental exhibits and programs including a global warming experience, a Jeonju River fish exhibition and a climate change exhibition offered people opportunities to understand the importance of caring for the environment.


Starting in 1996, the Nature Appreciation Art & Literature Festival has attracted over 10,000 people each year to the premier environmental-themed event in North Jeolla Province. The festival has been recognized for raising environmental awareness amongst businesses and in the community. A Samyang Group official stated, "I hope that we can remind our children about the importance of environmental issues and also kick-start their appreciation for the arts through this event."


The event organizers plan to award 541 people with scholarships and certificates, including the Ministry of Environment Minister's Prize, the Saemangeum Regional Environmental Office Award, and the KEPA Presidential Award. The winners will be announced on May 1 on the Samyang Corp. (<>), Samyang Kasei (, and Huvis ( company websites. The awards ceremony is scheduled to take place on May 13 at the Seven Springs in Jeonju, an eco-friendly restaurant run by Samyang Group.

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