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Chairman Yoon Kim Attends the Blue Manitou ... Facebook Twitter Print
Writer administrator Hits 9196 Date 2014.07.18

Chairman Yoon Kim Attends the Blue Manitou Appointment Ceremony


김윤 회장, 파랑마니또 위촉식 참가

▲ Chairman Yoon Kim (front row, center) is seen taking a commemorative photo with other mentors at the Blue Manitou appointment ceremony.

As the chairman of the Youth Hope Foundation, Yoon Kim attended the 3rd Annual Blue Manitou Appointment Ceremony on July 14 in the auditorium of the Seoul Central District Supreme Prosecutors' Office. Blue Manitou is a program organized by the Youth Hope Foundation to match troubled youths with mentors on a one-to-one basis and help young people adapt to their everyday lives. One hundred and ten people attended the event, including college students, civil advocacy group members, members from the Prosecutors’ Office, and 13 employees from Samyang Group. Samyang has been actively involved with the Blue Manitou youth outreach program since last year.

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